Friday, June 11, 2010

Living With Passion

The Sun Singer at Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois

I was not taught as a child that one necessarily should  follow a path of passion.  People seemed to have strong beliefs in my family but I didn't really experience what was driving them.  There was an air of change that was blowing during my teen years in the late 1960's however.  Deep concern for the rights of those who were oppressed and resistance to war was sweeping the nation.  It all became very personal to me during a weekend conference at the Robert Allerton House in Piatt County, Illinois in 1970.  The annual Child Care Institute meeting held there was attended by dozens of direct care providers from around the state.  Most of us were young, long-haired and idealistic.  I was the youngest and perhaps the most naive.  Never had I been a part of so much concern, and passionate desire to do good.  We stayed up all night playing folk music and talking about how to change the world through our service to kids.  I was on fire with a light that continues to guide me even today.

Life is truly fulfilling when there is a burning passion for what we do. It becomes embodied by trusting, fearless and positive action. We are empowered with an inexhaustible energy. This is available to each and every one of us but must be actively sought as an integral part of our journey. We can choose to find and follow our bliss or we can opt for the safety of simply showing up.  Mitch Albom, the author and sports writer, has said “The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”  He is certainly right about that.

All creative innovation comes from a fire deep within that can only be doused by wave after wave of the mundane. Negative perspective and bias take over and reign. Resistance to fresh ideas should be abandoned and anything new or different is extinguished. The effect is institutional thinking and robotic action.  Everything we do must be approved by those in charge.  The purpose of our work becomes the monetary payoff that we receive.

Passion and devotion allow us to pursue and seize opportunities regardless of the obstacles. We must trust our beliefs with open-mindedness and a certain naivety. We have to stop asking for permission and push forward.  Today is the day to give life real meaning.

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