Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer

Tiger Swallowtail

The first day of summer is a triumph of light over darkness. We have the opportunity to mark the longest day of the year with celebration. Nothing that has happened or will happen that can overshadow the fact that life goes on. The seasons implore us to participate in this grand adventure. Today is a day to make memories.

You're It!!!

I remember the summer as an endless adventure.  I was never one to sleep in like most of my friends.  The first light of dawn meant freedom and unknown destinations.  The hardest part of the day was waiting for my buddies to get out of bed and join me.  Sometimes I would sit in their backyards or pace around the neighborhood planning the many possibilities that lay ahead.  There were bikes to ride, forts to build, lakes to swim, apples to steal from nearby trees, butteflys to chase and games to play.  Finally everyone would be up, done with breakfast, and off we would go.  Imagination was all that was required to conquer the Nazi's, win the Civil War or overtake wild indians.  The A&W had ice cold root beer in chilled glass mugs and The Custard Cup had fudge sundaes and green rivers.  Hard to choose.  Rainy days only interrupted the action if there was a long downpour or lightning.  There was always plenty to do inside when four kids gathered.

Danville, Ilinois old A&W

Daytime ended with the sound of parents putting their hands up to their mouths hollering our names and telling us to come in for dinner.  We ate with our families but the fun was far from over.  Night time meant playing kick-the-can or hide-and-seek in the front yards.  There were lightning bugs to trap in grass lined mason jars.  Of course we always let them go.  Well almost always anyway. Sometimes we would have sleepovers or camp in tents outside somebody's house. Great sport came from setting off firecrackers and cherry bombs or running around naked without getting caught.  Kids have a way of becoming invisible.  Bedtime usually involved falling asleep on too warm sheets scheming for the next days fun.  How could anyone be bored in the summer?

The start of summer is connected with good things. There are still lighning bugs to catch, vacations, family reunions, swimming, running through sprinklers, cold watermelon and corn on the cob. It is time to have some fun. Summer is endless and beautiful in memories only if we take time to make some.

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