Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The manifestation of a new world order is celebrated at Epiphany.  It is the Twelfth Night or the Twelfth Day of Christmas.  Epiphany has been a greater and smaller holiday over the centuries.  Mardi Gras season officially starts in many places.  The message, however, is most meaningful.  The treasures that we have been seeking and waiting for are present in the very place where we are right now.  It is found by living in this moment to the fullest.  It is accompanied by the return of a sense of wonder.  How could we have missed it in the first place?

We will find the revelation by showing up.  Three Wise Men did.  Showing up means not only to be present to the day, hour and minute.  This is important enough.  It also means to bring something with us.  We are asked to show up with light, humility and with our personal gifts.  We must be willing to set aside self will in deference to the importance of the here and now.  It is time to allow healing and fellowship rather than drive and determination.  The result is a greater ability to love and an absence of intolerance.  We are no longer better or more important than others.  Beauty and appreciation find a way of flowing into our lives.  There it is.  An Epiphany.

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