Thursday, January 7, 2010

Being Present and Bringing Light

Living our lives in the here and now requires first, and foremost, that we are fully present in the moment. This means that we are not engaged in a battle with the past nor fretting about the future. Affecting the quality of the day obliges us to show up with our personal gifts and talents. We have the opportunity to use them and share our uniqueness in everything that we do.

We are not unlike artists, chefs, craftsmen and potters in our approach to molding the day.  We come to the moment with everything that has made us who we are.  All of the happiness, sadness, trials and adventures have given us depth of character and experience.  We have wisdom to offer, stories to tell and things to create.  The flavor of the day is up to us.

This process of shaping the way that a day evolves is not about taking control and exerting authority. It is about being a contributor and a co-creator. It is about bringing light to the darkness. Being alive and present to our family, friends and associates allows relationships to grow and flourish. We allow people to know us for who we really are. We might just discover that we have more value than we ever imagined.

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