Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Hero's Journey

The great legends, mythology, and scripture are told and retold throughout the ages by storytellers and authors. There is always a consistent theme. The hero finds him or herself in a situation that is unlike any other. Life as it was is no more. Overcoming or succumbing to the problem will result in a change for not only the unsuspecting hero but for the community at large as well. A young hunter finds a mysterious feather and ends up in perilous struggles until he overthrows evil and marries the woman of his dreams. Moses discovers his true identity and leads his people to freedom. Jesus goes into the desert and emerges with the message of salvation. Jason goes on a quest for the Golden Fleece and becomes king. Cinderella finds her fingerprints in the ashes of the hearth and becomes the princess. The tales can be found in practically every novel ever written or film produced. They are what we want to read, see and hear. The stories are told and endure so that we can identify and follow the hero path in our personal lives.

The work of Joseph Campbell has been compelling to me. He made the point that everyone is the hero of their own story. It is being written from the time of our birth until we draw our last breath. The acceptance of this fact, whether we choose to participate and engage life with that knowledge, is relevant only to the extent that we meaningfully play the part. Sitting on the side of the road and waiting for something to happen is as much a tale as crossing the threshold and slaying our personal dragons. Either way, it is the process that underlies any growth, learning, and self discovery.

The idea is to accomplish something that transcends the ordinary. These situations present themselves in every challenge or change that happens in our lives. Every love found or lost, every birth and death presents the prospect of transformation. Every move to a new school, job, or town opens the chance to stop being what we were and to start becoming who we can be. Every situation which confronts us with something new or which forces us to re-evaluate ourselves presents us with possibilities for insight and growth.

We can own the fact that we are the hero and, in so doing, will discover that we have defined ourselves too narrowly. There will be a transformation in our behavior. We find ourselves with a new perspective and skills needed to face challenges that present themselves. We begin to act with honor and gain the wisdom to guide others through their own challenges. There is no time like the present to seize the opportunity. This is the way to a life filled with flavor and adventure.

1 comment:

Autism Mom Rising said...

I like this! Very good. It is similiar in theme to one I've written :


I like Joseph Campbells stuff too.