Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't Worry

There are so many things to worry about. We are barraged with alarming information every day that causes us to be concerned. Big things are always going on. There are terror attacks, wars, nuclear threat and natural disasters that come into our living rooms through newscasts as often as we want to tune into them. Vivid images of tragedy play out before our very eyes. Then there are personal worries. Our parents are getting older and forgetful. Our children seem to be at risk continually. Financial problems and difficulties at work keep us awake at night. There is just no getting around it. The problems of life and the things that we face are troubling. Worrying will do absolutely nothing to solve any of it. The more we worry the more we become emotionally, spiritually and even physically crippled.

It does not matter whether a situation is real or imagined. Nothing is ever gained by fretting over it. Clear thinking becomes clouded and decision making is hampered. We begin to develop a fight or flight response as the intensity of worry increases. We have to either get away or kick some butt to find relief. Other negative behaviors crop up around worry. Many people complain that they have fantasies of death or of being someone else, preoccupation with money and an escalation of drinking or other substance use. We still worry on despite the fact that it never accomplishes anything, that it causes irrational thinking and creates negative behaviors. We just cannot seem to stop. The more we try the worse it gets.

There are is a relatively simple technique that is helpful in eliminating, or at least easing, worry. It involves making a list of all of the issues that are causing us concern. Things always have way of shrinking in size when we write them down. The next step is to allow ourselves to worry later. Postponing worry by giving ourselves permission to do it in the future is a proven method for tricking the brain into believing that the thoughts which are consuming it will be dealt with when appropriate. It is a psychological technique that actually lets you forget the worry. It will break the continual habit of worrying and allow happiness in the moment. Once we have broken the cycle our worries will begin to diminish and resolve themselves.

Everything will work out one way or the other. We can do whatever is possible to resolve our problems and let go of that which is beyond us. Remember the serenity prayer. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Don’t Worry...Be Happy!

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