Wednesday, March 10, 2010

To Begin Again

The signs of spring are beginning to show in the south. The seemingly dead ground is showing new life as the little crocus emerge from slumber. There is a promise of vibrancy as spring overcomes winter. Our struggle with cold weather and indoor confinement is almost at an end. Such is the rhythm of our existence. There are always new beginnings to be discovered. The possibility of change should never be in doubt.

Perhaps the most cruel thing that can be said of a person is that they will never change. I work in the field of addiction recovery. The people that we serve have been frequently accused of this. They are discounted and dismissed. Often, everyone in their lives has given up on them. Our patients are left feeling hopeless and alone. Nothing is as pitiful as those who come to believe that what they hear in this regard is true.  Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Each of us has the capacity for change regardless of the path that we have traveled, the wrongs that we have committed or the damage that we might have done. It is never too late.

It is as important to have hope for people as it is to have faith in the appearance of spring. We do not have to be naïve nor should we allow our expectations to overshadow reality. But we must allow for possibilities. We should be open to miracles. We will then begin to develop an acceptance of God’s ever changing creation and begin to understand that we are not in charge of it.


Anonymous said...

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An elephant for breakfast said...

Glad to help...