Monday, January 25, 2010

On Becoming

The good news of living life is that there is no absolute destination. The journey does not end with the events that we rush towards. We do not arrive at marriage, graduation, parenthood, a great job or retirement to remain there forever. Neither do we end with the death of our bodies. Everything continues to change, evolve and transform despite the desire that we have to stop and stay.

The brain that we are given has the notion that it is who we are. It is, in fact, merely an organ that is in charge of survival. The brain monitors everything that happens and orders responses based upon behaviors that have successfully gotten us through in the past. Its job is to maintain a physical and emotional balance for optimum longevity.

The earliest spiritual question that is asked by most people is “Who am I”. This great query does not beg an answer. It asks us to begin searching. Our culture counters the spiritual question with a material one. We are asked from the time that we are very young, "What do you want to do" and "What do you want to be" . Those questions have answers. They can be solved but do almost nothing to enlighten us. They set a path with a false sense of destination.

We are not a career choice with a retirement plan. Our true identity is a spirit and energy that comes from the source and returns to the source. We are eternal beings in process.  There is no real sense in looking toward an ending with answers.  The true adventure happens when we get on the ride and just let go.  Savor the experience, listen and learn.  We are all truly becoming.

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