Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bestowing Blessings

Abraham Blessing Isaac by Govert Flinck

Blessings are always in short supply! There are never enough occasions in which we bestow this profound and magnificent infusion of hope, good will and sacred expression. It is surprising that we do not offer more of them to each other. They are powerful ways to confirm love and approval. They change the landscape of our circumstances at the time. People listen to them with care. We certainly offer curses readily enough.

This is my very favorite Gaelic Blessing. It was given to me by my Aunt Lucille and hangs in our home to this day. It is familiar to many people:

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

There is a story about a priest who was blessing members of his congregation. He asked anyone who wanted to receive the special blessing to come to the front of the church. A mentally challenged man came forward. The priest, Henri Nouwen, made the sign of the cross on his forehead and said some words. The man said, “That’s no blessing” and wrapped his arms around the priest. Henri responded by wrapping his own arms around the man telling him of his special place in his heart and in the community. When he looked up from his friend he saw that the entire congregation had lined up for their personal rich blessing.

We need to take the opportunity to bestow and offer blessings. The Hawaiians do it with everything that is new on the islands. The Irish are masters of the celebration of blessing. It is just a matter of speaking your well wishes from the heart. Memorize some or just make them up. Everyone is hungry for them.

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