Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gratefulness And A Plea For Assistance

George Bernard Shaw once said that “Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” There is a bright light that burns in each of us. The problem is that most of the time we seem to hide it, extinguish it or diminish it. Fear, loneliness, shame, anger and sadness have such pervasive effects on our daily lives that we fail to comprehend the joy of the present moment. The antidote is gratefulness. Fear and the other negative feelings cannot endure in the light of gratitude.

The simple task of composing a list of blessings is a practice that will help reframe and shape the reality of our day. Record things such as the joys of good health, family members, loyal friends, a job and the comfort of home. What other things can we add? It is important to look around at our surroundings and beyond. Let the list grow over the days by reviewing it each morning. We begin to see the abundance of our lives in pretty short order. It is then that we can really begin to let the torch burn brightly. It is then that we can share our lives with enthusiasm.

A cousin of mine, Lee Fisher, presented me with an opportunity to share abundance. His daughter, Susan, is married with two little boys, Luke age 9 and Levi age 4. Jerry, the husband and father, is a terrific guy who has been struggling with compromised kidney function. His blood is type A- and he is in need of a live donor for a transplant. Susan needs her husband and Luke and Levi need their daddy. You can save a family by contacting the Live Donor coordinator at the University of Indiana Hospital Transplant Department at 1-800-382-4602. Just mention Jerry Rasberry's name. What a gift you could give. Please pass this on. Among my many blessings...I am grateful for your kindness.

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