Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Lenten Thought

“Look closely when you feel the swell of joy within, or the tightness as your throat closes up in sorrow. Live in that moment.”

The busyness of life often rushes us past all of the miraculous things that are happening all around us. We rush from activity to activity, from crisis to crisis and fall, exhausted into our beds to gather enough energy to do it all again the next day. Even the vacations that we anticipate and plan can be frantic. We pack up the family and drive long distances or forge into the daunting airports to be processed for travel. We arrive at our destinations, see all of the important sights, hit the hot spots, and head back home. Lots of vacationers take their business cell phones and laptops with them wherever they go so that they are always on task, always available. Where (or when) do we draw the line, stop running so hard, and slow down to witness the real beauty of it all? Most of the religions have integral periods of retreat and renewal. They make sacred certain seasons of their calendars so that people can reflect, meditate, pray, fast and become centered. Most spiritual disciplines call for daily ritual that brings the faithful into the realm of devotion and peaceful reflection or prayer. Such is that time called Lent, which is the 40 day cycle prior to the Christian celebration of Easter. It is a sacred time of introspection and review. It is a period of sacrificing some self indulgent habit and creating or enhancing some positive contribution to the community. It is a really good time.

What indulgence or bad habit can I give up and replace with a good deed today?

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